La Cuadra San Cristobal, a complex on Mexico City’s outskirts, soft-launched with a project by Marina Abramović
Galería de Arte Mexicano became a nonagenarian with an anniversary show and a mariachi party on its Zona Maco stand
The long-running satellite fairs—which champion experimental, emerging and artist-run spaces—abound with adventurous works, tactile materials and body parts
El Museo Vivo del Muralismo se encuentra en la antigua sede de la Secretaría de Educación en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México
La exposición de la artista nacida en la Ciudad de México en el Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo examina sus proyectos relacionados con el tiempo y el trabajo
The Mexico City-born artist’s show at Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo surveys her projects related to time and labour
Museo Vivo del Muralismo includes works by greats such as Diego Rivera in a building that is a Unesco World Heritage Site
The fair’s VIP preview saw a rush of collectors and museum groups, many sales and little hand-wringing over a possible Mexico-US trade war
Los artistas del estado costero son el tema de una sección especial en el Salón Acme, y el Muac alberga una retrospectiva dedicada a uno de sus predecesores
Uno de los artistas contemporáneos más influyentes de México reflexiona sobre su legado con motivo de la extensa exposición de su trabajo en el Museo Jumex
Artists from the coastal state are the subject of a special section at Salón Acme, while Muac hosts a retrospective devoted to an influential predecessor
Sanromán tiene una ambiciosa misión para el Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo que incluye reparar su fracturada relación con la comunidad local
Sanromán has an ambitious agenda for the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo that includes repairing its fractured relationship with the local community
The collector and luxury travel company executive warns visitors to Mexico City that they must plan ahead—and not be over ambitious in how much of the sprawling city they can cover in a day
El coleccionista advierte a los visitantes de la Ciudad de México que deben planificar con anticipación y no ser demasiado ambiciosos en cuanto a qué parte de la extensa ciudad pueden cubrir en un día
La feria itinerante también ha sido escenario de ediciones en Shanghái, París, Miami y Savannah
The nomadic fair has also held editions in Shanghai, Paris, Miami and Savannah
Las mejores exposiciones, desde pintura y escultura hasta videoarte, de las principales instituciones y galerías comerciales durante la feria
The best exhibitions, from painting and sculpture to video art, from major institutions and commercial galleries during the fair
Desde artistas emergentes hasta arte moderno y antigüedades, pasando por diseño y fotografía, cerca de 220 expositores abarcan prácticamente todas las categorías de colección
From emerging artists to Modern art and antiquities, by way of design and photography, around 220 exhibitors span seemingly every collecting category
A pesar de los recortes, la amenaza de aranceles y la gentrificación, nuevas voces le dan vida a la vibrante mezcla de museos y galerías en la capital
Despite funding cuts and gentrification, new voices invigorate the capital’s thriving mix of museums and galleries
The artefact had been recovered from a US gallery in 2017, but since then its status was a mystery
Recent episodes of censorship at two of the city’s leading art museums have laid bare the rifts between artists, institutions and their publics
The house will be a research centre instead, allegedly due to a labour struggle at the university that owns it
Madonna may have tried on Kahlo's clothes during a previous visit to her family home
Visitors to the city during Zona Maco can also take in Museo Jumex’s anniversary group show, curated by New Museum director Lisa Philips
The biggest art fair in Latin America is marking a significant milestone while showcasing the booming local scene
After an earlier plan for a new sculpture by artist Pedro Reyes was roundly rejected, the municipal government said it had received activists’ blessing to replace the protest monument that stood in its place