Zona Maco

Trump tariffs and Zona Maco in Mexico, India Art Fair, and American photography at the Rijksmuseum—podcast

How have recent US executive orders affected the mood on the ground at the leading Mexican fair? Plus a report from India Art Fair as it opens amid state elections, plus a chat about one of the earliest portrait photographs

Former art dealer Jaime Gorozpe shares his collecting philosophy, and his favourite places to eat and see art in Mexico City

The collector and luxury travel company executive warns visitors to Mexico City that they must plan ahead—and not be over ambitious in how much of the sprawling city they can cover in a day

Jaime Gorozpe comparte su filosofía de coleccionismo y sus lugares favoritos para comer y ver arte en la Ciudad de México

El coleccionista advierte a los visitantes de la Ciudad de México que deben planificar con anticipación y no ser demasiado ambiciosos en cuanto a qué parte de la extensa ciudad pueden cubrir en un día

Una nueva correduría de arte mexicana va de fortaleza en fortaleza

Comisario Art House está capitalizando exitosamente con la rápida expansión de la escena artística en la Capital

Mexican art handling startup goes from strength to strength

Comisario Art House is capitalising on the rapid expansion of the capital’s art scene

Unique Design X, la nueva feria de arte en la Ciudad de México, regresa por segundo año consecutivo

La feria itinerante también ha sido escenario de ediciones en Shanghái, París, Miami y Savannah

Unique Design X, Mexico City's newest art fair, returns for second edition

The nomadic fair has also held editions in Shanghai, Paris, Miami and Savannah

Exposiciones para ver en la Ciudad de México durante la Zona Maco

Las mejores exposiciones, desde pintura y escultura hasta videoarte, de las principales instituciones y galerías comerciales durante la feria

Shows to see around Mexico City during Zona Maco

The best exhibitions, from painting and sculpture to video art, from major institutions and commercial galleries during the fair

Algo para todos en Zona Maco

Desde artistas emergentes hasta arte moderno y antigüedades, pasando por diseño y fotografía, cerca de 220 expositores abarcan prácticamente todas las categorías de colección

Mexico City's Zona Maco fair offers something for everyone

From emerging artists to Modern art and antiquities, by way of design and photography, around 220 exhibitors span seemingly every collecting category

Zona Macofeature

El escenario artísico de la Ciudad de México mira hacia el futuro

A pesar de los recortes, la amenaza de aranceles y la gentrificación, nuevas voces le dan vida a la vibrante mezcla de museos y galerías en la capital

As US tariffs loom, Mexico City's art scene looks to the future

Despite funding cuts and gentrification, new voices invigorate the capital’s thriving mix of museums and galleries

How Mexico City’s art scene and its biggest fair, Zona Maco, have grown over 20 years

The biggest art fair in Latin America is marking a significant milestone while showcasing the booming local scene

Music festivals, mezcal bars and moderate price points: Zona Maco spearheads lively marquee art week in Mexico City

The week’s calendar of events is chock-full of parties and openings, and features a new local mini-fair

Mexico City galleries come together for homegrown Zonamaco Art Week

Despite postponing the traditional art fair, organisers found a way to hold shows and create a sense of occasion

Mexico City's galleries overcome growing pains as the city's art scene booms

As top-tier dealers and collectors continue to flock to Zona Maco, Material Art Fair nurtures a needed mid-level market

Smaller sales platforms spotlight artists without gallery representation during Mexico City’s fair week

Spaces like Salón ACME and Cinco Pisos en el Quinto offer a more ‘empathetic model’ as the region’s art market grows

Economic policies introduced by Mexico’s new president have yet to dent dealers' sales at Zona Maco

Works at mid-tier price points are moving quickly at the 16th edition of the Mexico City fair, according to exhibitors

Art fairsarchive

Fair report: Local galleries fare well at Zona Maco, Mexico City

International collectors and curators were out in force for the eighth edition of the Latin American art fair

Mexico’s female focus

Fair devotes section to emerging women artists