Amid colourful ceremonies, Chau Chak Wing Museum returned 16 human skulls to the inhabitants of six villages
Per the terms of the Met’s agreement with the Greek government, the cast-bronze antiquity will return to New York next year for a special exhibition
It is the latest example of a country announcing that it will repatriate a group of these objects, which were looted by the British as part of a punitive expedition in 1897
Scientific analysis confirmed that the ancient, headless sculpture had been looted from a shrine in Bubon
Romanian prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said a legal team is pursuing the recovery of the painting once owned by King Carol I of Romania
The two black-figure ceramics will remain on view at the Massachusetts museum for up to eight years as part of a new agreement between the institution and the Italian culture ministry
The artefact had been recovered from a US gallery in 2017, but since then its status was a mystery
The trove of 30 Mesoamerican objects includes a ceremonial trophy for the first ball game
The repatriated artefacts—1,440 in all—included pieces that had passed through the New York galleries of Subhash Kapoor and Nancy Wiener
The Penn Cultural Heritage Center’s three-year national study amplifies ongoing calls for transparency and will provide a collecting framework
With the country still in the throes of a civil war, the ancient sculptures were returned by a family in New Zealand but will be temporarily kept in New York
Lisa Nandy's apparent support for repatriation reform has been welcomed by the head of London's Victoria and Albert Museum
The sacred artefact’s ultimate destination remains a subject of debate
The digital Museum of Looted Antiquities aspires to be an encyclopaedic repository on returned cultural artefacts—and to expose smuggling networks
The Canadian documentary “So Surreal: Behind the Masks” premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival
Investigations by both the museum's internal team and experts from Turkey's Ministry of Culture suggested the gold and carnelian artefact was exported illegally
The institution intensified its repatriation efforts after revised federal rules governing Native American remains and funerary objects went into effect earlier this year
The Australian government pays the major expenses of repatriation, making it easier for cash-strapped museums to engage with the often expensive and time-consuming process
Italian authorities are using artificial intelligence to identify works of art up for sale that may have been stolen or trafficked
Some of the 133 objects being repatriated are associated with the antiquities smugglers Subhash Kapoor and Richard Beale
The 117 artefacts had been smuggled into South America within the past several years
The Egyptian items repatriated by the Manhattan District Attorney's office this week, collectively valued at $1.4m, include a wood coffin face and a royal alabaster vase
In a ceremony at the museum, Met director Max Hollein signed a "memorandum of understanding" together with a representative of the Thai cultural ministry
The antiquities, collectively valued at $3m, include a bronze “Shiva Triad” from Cambodia that the dealer Nancy Wiener donated to the Denver Art Museum after failing to find a buyer for it
More than a decade after Turkey asked for it back, the sculpture will finally be returned
Even amid political tensions between the superpowers, officials from both countries emphasised the importance of continued collaboration on antiquities trafficking
The museum’s latest repatriation comes as it ramps up efforts to audit the provenance of objects in its collection
The vases, which were estimated to sell for as much as $71,000, were pulled from a sale in New York this week
A haul of historic objects looted following the Battle of Okinawa make their way home after almost 80 years
Prior to their seizure, the paintings had been offered to the auction house Doyle for consignment