Florida’s largest art museum joins forces with the luxury fashion brand to host three artists this year
“It was disheartening to experience this level of institutional complacency and complicity,” says the artist Les Gomez-Gonzalez
The artist died in June this year after more than 60 years creating work that was both political and colourful
After postponing for more than a year, the museum’s second location celebrates with a debaucherous Halloween party
Museums, residencies and other art non-profits on the state’s Gulf Coast are grappling with a range of impacts from the hurricanes
Klaudio Rodriguez, who has led the Bronx Museum since 2020, will take on his new role in Florida in October
"We were long a society of fun and sun, but we’re no longer that—we don’t want that," he said.
After abandoning a private museum project in Miami, Bruce Berkowitz will create a verdant art destination in the Florida panhandle
Museums and other cultural institutions will lose out on millions in promised grants that were originally in the state budget before it was sent to DeSantis to sign
A cemetery hidden under a Florida air base is the latest African American burial site rediscovered following decades of erasure
The Florida governor’s recent education reforms are damaging arts and humanities programmes across the state—but educators and students are fighting back
Tezos ecosystem and Arcual blockchain transaction platform disrupt the hedonistic exclusivity usually associated with the art world's winter party in Florida
The dismissal of Michael Bennett, a curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in St Petersburg, came after colleagues at another institution raised flags about provenance gaps
The Pritzker Prize-winning architect's firm, which accepts only two projects per year, will take on the new Center for Arts and Innovation in Boca Raton
Former Tallahassee Classical School principal Hope Carrasquilla travelled to Italy and met with the Galleria del'Accademia's director
The proposed legislation is seen as an effort to defend Confederate monuments and markers in the public sphere by streamlining civil lawsuits
The work, from the series Hirst premiered at the 2017 Venice Biennale exhibition, is reportedly worth $3m
Though the Sunshine State's agencies have adopted extreme views on other topics, its Department of Education rebuffed claims that "David" is pornographic
The mayor of Florence and the director of the Galleria dell’Accademia have invited the ousted principal and her students on an honorary visit
Tallahassee Classical School's principal, Hope Carrasquilla, was fired following parental complaints her Renaissance curriculum was too risqué
Celebrating its 75th anniversary, Everglades National Park is something of a guest of honour at this year’s Art Basel in Miami Beach. But the region’s conservation was hard-fought—and is still far from guaranteed
While some museums and art spaces escaped largely unscathed—thanks to a mix of thorough preparation and meteorological luck—others in the most devastated areas remain unreachable
Museums between Tampa Bay and Naples face the greatest risk, with a storm surge expected to exceed 10ft in some parts of the region when the hurricane makes landfall
Half Gallery show heads out to Biscayne Bay's celebrated nautical settlement
Lehmann Maupin and Paula Cooper are the latest to join dealers like Acquavella and Pace in setting up seasonal spaces in the Sunshine State
While early reactions have been mostly positive, a group of activists and victims’ families would rather see a support centre on the site
The group says fundraising efforts to turn the Orlando nightclub into a tourist destination would be better spent on survivors’ care
$100m project highlights museum's growing commitment to contemporary art
Exhibition highlighting effects of climate change to open near Mar-a-Lago
Meanwhile in Europe, the artist’s foundation battles “pseudo museums” to protect his brand