Ala Ebtekar’s new cyanotypes for Arion Press were exposed using moon and starlight during a partial lunar eclipse
The Japanese-American sculptor is the 23rd woman to be given the honour—compared with 100 men
The Lunar Codex has partnered with the estate of Canadian Ojibway artist Norval Morrisseau to collect contemporary and traditional music that will be sent into space in 2025
Works inspired by Leonardo and Cleopatra will blast into orbit on Elon Musk’s rocket as part of a project first announced two years ago
Exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum examines how the movement founded by Nikolai Fyodorov influenced artists
The so-called Lunar Codex, the brainchild of a scientist-turned-science fiction author, will send a trove of human cultural material to the moon
The show is planned for 2035 and is part of a SpaceX project to colonise the red planet
The aerospace-grade aluminium plate will be sent to space later this year, but earthbound collectors can partake of the journey thanks to line of exclusive NFTs
Piece will be fixed onto nose of an Ariane 5 launcher that will be collecting data on climate change's impact on Africa
The artist says the US government shutdown effectively “killed” the sculpture
The closure of the Federal Communications Commission has delayed the deployment of the work
The Tesla chief has defended himself, saying he helped popularise the mug design for free
Trevor Paglen and Nevada Museum Of Art crowdfund to launch his “purely artistic” satellite