The new seven-storey, 61,930 sq. ft building will effectively double the museum’s gallery space
The institution launches competition to find an architectural firm that can transform its Bloomsbury site
New institution is next phase in state’s mega museum masterplan
Designed as a royal hunting lodge in 1686, Het Loo has been transformed with a vast new entrance hall and multiple exhibition spaces hidden beneath the courtyard
The institution will be closed for its own 50th anniversary—but will work with the city's museums, including the Louvre, to stage projects during the period
Plus, contemporary art in Lagos and Chagall's falling angel
Timothy Sainsbury says he disagrees with the view that all of the functional parts of the building should be "preserved in aspic"
In the letter for our November issue, editor Alison Cole reflects on the tumultuous times of two London institutions
Gabriele Finaldi responds to criticism over the gallery's proposed redesign for the Sainsbury Wing
Architecture critic Hugh Pearman argues that the gallery is making irreversible changes to a Grade I listed building—while removing most of its early Renaissance collection from display until 2025
Fourteen years in the making, the new 53,000 sq. ft building designed by Thom Mayne of architecture firm Morphosis features a wide outdoor staircase intended to serve as a gathering place
The institution is welcoming public feedback on proposals from five anonymous architecture firms bidding for the project on the National Mall
Hani Rashid says he was ghosted by the Moscow city government
Architect's Modernist masterpiece was “incredibly badly built” and took six years and €140m to restore to its former glory
Experts predict bigger galleries, a stronger connection to the outdoors and an end to the expansion juggernaut
After a decade of acclaim, will its triumph be topped by Tate Modern 2?
Concerns over Jean Nouvel skyscraper, to house museum extension in its base
The generous contribution is the highest made to a cultural project in 10 years
Swiss duo stake claim to be the art world’s favourite architects
Only part of the project will be completed by next summer, with a lack of funds hampering progress
Designed by Herzog & de Meuron, this addition to the museum will provide much needed exhibition space
Taniguchi's addition to the institution has substantially increased the floor space - and the admission prices
Our reporter visits Daniel Libeskind’s latest building in Manchester
The director of the Rijksmuseum is turning the famous museum into an artistic journey through Dutch history, and combining fine and decorative arts
A former keeper offers some practical suggestions
Bernard Tschumi, Yoshio Taniguchi, and a team of Jacques Herzog and Pierre do Meuron are in the running
As disgruntled museum staff strike, America’s most famous museum of modern art is trawling world-wide for a new architect