Investment in public data libraries and technology skills is welcomed, but the human creativity at the heart of art needs protection from unconstrained generative AI
The nearly decade-long dispute over Prince's "New Portraits" series has ended with the artist and his galleries ordered to pay the photographers $900,000
The artist, known for his distinctive sexualised androids, took to Instagram to denounce what he claims are unauthorised uses of his work in the concert tour’s imagery
A judge said the absence of a “guiding human hand” disqualified the AI-generated image from copyright protection, but other generative art may still qualify
A jury ruled NFT artist Mason Rothschild’s line of digital handbags was subject to trademark law
The artist did not hold back in an Instagram post accusing the brand of illegal use of his artwork at a London store and encouraging his followers to shoplift from it
Daniel Druet, who created hyperrealist likenesses of Pope John Paul II, Hitler and others for Cattelan, was seeking €6m in compensation and to be declared the works’ “sole author”
The online project was launched earlier this year by the London-based artist and curator Ben Moore, with NFTs based on his previous project which saw major artists design Stormtrooper helmets
As successful artists increasingly seek non-exclusive contracts with multiple galleries, clarity becomes critical in navigating splits between artist and gallery
Is new copyright law needed for a new age?