Richly coloured and decorated work is going on show after conservation, partly funded by the Tefaf Museum Restoration Fund
Stefan Guzy has scoured archives from the Holy Roman Empire and believes he has traced back the ownership of the mysterious cipher book
Research on the Chandayan of Mulla Da’ud has suffered ever since 24 folios narrating the love story were split up across the border in 1947
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston will begin conservation efforts later this year with a $27,600 grant from The European Fine Art Foundation
Francis I of Brittany had his first wife painted over in a medieval prayer book before giving it to his new spouse, research at Cambridge's Fitzwilliam Museum shows
Essays on the concept are useful for their discussions of arms, heraldry, castles and gardens as well as its long lasting effect on European culture
New academic concept of "Global Middle Ages" explored through a survey of illustrated texts from around the world
The extra-textual decoration of medieval illuminated manuscripts are full of clues about sections of society normally overlooked by historians
Even when the codex became ubiquitous, scrolls held a special place for the written word
Book of illuminations show various fashions that shed light on literary styles
Book looks at Thai and Burmese historic texts from the British Library
New book is fruit of a lifetime’s research by the late Getty curator Myra Orth
Renaissance manuscript with gold binding is being sold by London jeweller
Illuminating scholarship
Scholars have reassembled the Hours of Louis XII
A Medieval Renaissance for art of the Middle Ages