Specialists and curators on what gathering Thames paintings from around the world revealed
Scientists used artificial intelligence and X-ray imaging to decipher the Roman object's contents
The oil on copper miniature portrait, originally believed to be by Bronzino, is the subject of an exhibition at its former home—Strawberry Hill House
The spa complex was thought to have been owned by a powerful politician
Proceeds from the sale of the polished bronze work—the identity of was lost to time after it was bequeathed in the 1960s—will go towards student bursaries
The Venetian lagoon painting—submitted by a member of the public to Christie's digital appraisal service—comes to auction in New York with an estimate of $300,000 to $500,000
Dating to the late Roman period, a stunning, figurative mosaic, found buried under just 50cm of soil and featuring the rare Anatolian leopard, may be the first of its kind in Turkey
Highway road work has uncovered an ancient civilisation’s ceremonial centrepiece
As gladiators return to the big screen, English Heritage announces plans to show the artefact at Hadrian’s Wall
Leonardo’s largest known drawing was hung with the Mona Lisa in his studio, says Per Rumberg, the curator of the Royal Academy’s Florentine Old Masters exhibition opening this month
Research team uncovers settlement hidden for centuries using laser mapping technology
Frescoes show, among other saucy scenes, a satyr coupled with a naked nymph
New research argues that works discovered on the rear of 18th century copperplates can be attributed to a teenaged Blake
The so-called “Hall of the Moche Imaginary” is one of two elaborately decorated spaces archaeologists recently uncovered at Pañamarca
The 1912 painting is believed to have been gifted by the artist to friends who later moved to the Hamptons, where a discerning dealer nabbed it decades later for a bargain
Multispectral imaging has uncovered that the baffling symbols in the 15th-century document—dubbed the world’s most mysterious manuscript—were scrutinised by its owner, a Prague doctor
The undated work, which was during conservation work, is going on display in an exhibition at the Bowes Museum in County Durham
The objects are believed to have been made by students in the 17th century, when Sutton House was a school
The famed explorer died aboard the Quest in 1922; the ship sank in the Labrador Sea 40 years later
Charcoal sketches highlight they ‘witnessed battles in the amphitheatre’, says park director
The discovery of the L-shaped object was made in an ancient Egyptian elite cemetery beside the Great Pyramid of Khufu
Depicting scenes from Greek mythology, the works were discovered in the banqueting room of a large house in the ancient Roman city
The two internationally important chairs have been acquired for the reopening of the institution's Founder’s Galleries
Disagreement centred over whether the painting, looted in 1868 and later sold to a private collector in Portugal, should be bought by the government and returned to Ethopia
Archaeologists are "blown away" by the levels of preservation of the finds at Holborn Viaduct, which also include five oak coffins, a decorated lamp, a glass vial, and jet and amber beads
Lidar light detection technology helped scientists to see beneath the foliage and discover the 2500-year-old settlement
French glass and African pottery suggest individuals buried are of high status
It turns out the glass vessel is a rare example of a 1940s Venini piece designed by the architect Carlo Scarpa
A painting depicting Pope Sylvester I made €3m, while a portrayal of Saint Helena more than doubled its high estimate, selling for €1.6m
The Biblical scene was recently offered at auction for just €10,000