Activists say the Visual Artist Rights Act covers the garden, which the city wants to destroy to make way for affordable mixed-use housing
Critics say that a stalemate over the fate of a piece of Land art in Iowa demonstrates that the terms of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 are far too narrow
Stalemate in the dispute over the fate of Miss’s Land art environment in Des Moines, Iowa
The decision comes after the artist, Sam Kerson, appealed a district court’s 2021 ruling
A district court sided with the school in late 2021, but artist Sam Kerson hopes an appeals court decision will help keep his Underground Railroad murals on view
A 1993 painting of the state’s historic role on the Underground Railroad depicts Black slaves as caricatures, while white abolitionists are idealised
Pat Lipsky had sued Spanierman Gallery under the 1980 Artist Authorship Rights Act for digitally manipulating a photograph of her Color Field painting Bright Music II
Lawsuit demands that court issue an injunction to prevent future dismantling of works of art without artists’ supervision
Petition focuses on the phrasing of the Visual Artists Rights Act, which protects works of “recognized stature” without defining what that means