A new book shows how Connick harnessed the ancient medium as ‘a potent means of contemporary visual expression’
Edward Burne-Jones’s stained-glass work has been removed for conservation for the first time
Michael Healy’s reclusiveness belied his trailblazing role in Ireland's most prestigious studio of its kind
The artist Summer Wheat will create a space for visitors to “explore their inner world” on the Kansas City Museum campus
The new works replace those depicting Confederate generals that were removed in 2017
Exhibition reveals the American artist’s unrealised sketches from the 1980s for stained-glass windows for the city’s minster, and how his travels influenced his later work
After making his name on historic projects at Coventry Cathedral and Metropolitan Cathedral in Liverpool, he became an innovative practitioner and influential teacher
The Cité du Vitrail will open in the medieval town of Troyes in spring 2022, but preview tours are running this weekend for the European Heritage Days
New research for British Museum exhibition means panels depicting St Thomas Becket's healing miracles will be correctly reassembled after centuries in the wrong order
Watching stained glass bend the light in Austin, the artist's temple-like final work
Angels and Icons is an important contribution to Pre-Raphaelite studies and a welcome addition to scholarship on post-Medieval stained glass in Britain
Unless they find themselves subject to divine miracle
Collaboration and contradiction in the Pre-Raphaelite world
A comprehensive history, and catalogues for collections in the Metropolitan and the Victoria and Albert Museums