As country is mired in economic and political turmoil, major upgrading project forges ahead with restoration of important sites at the ancient heart of Lahore
The objects associated with Kapoor, along with another five pieces returned to Pakistan, were cumulatively valued at $3.4m
Osman Yousefzada and nine others sold specially created prints, but Pakistan’s worst natural disaster in living memory has yet to galvanise the industry
As Unesco pledges $350,000 to safeguard sites, questions are raised about the country’s long-term commitment to restoring and protecting key locations in the face of the climate crisis
Freedom of expression in India is dead because of Modi's "Hindu Taliban", the artist says
As the nation celebrates 75 years of independence, Zahra Khan charts major moments and challenges in its history and her own career
From smuggled paintings to cancelled visas, the heads of the subcontinent's fairs, biennials and galleries weigh in on the ramifications of the contested border
New Delhi-based Manisha Gera Baswani discusses her ongoing series Postcards from Home that photographs fellow artists in both countries
Research on the Chandayan of Mulla Da’ud has suffered ever since 24 folios narrating the love story were split up across the border in 1947
From Kolkata to Chicago, here are 11 shows that deal with the many histories of nationhood and freedom in the subcontinent
Exhibition Hawala is the first show at Paradise Row Projects, a one-year, not-for-profit commercial space in London
Paramilitary forces deployed after local police fail to protect the religious shrine
Exhibition at Kettle’s Yard brings together 11 artists from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to explore issues of borders and migration
Dealers from across Asia are ramping up their presence, and around half of the projects in the Kabinett sector are by Asian artists
President Musharraf has encouraged artists to promote a “peaceful and tolerant” image of their country through their work
But leading London expert says it’s a fake