Digital players focus on transparent, algorithmically driven analytics to appeal to a younger base for whom the medium is cool. But that data still needs informed interpretation
The Manhattan District Attorney's Office has charged the owners of Merces Gallery with selling prohibited animal products online
Access by Art Basel will launch at next month's Miami Beach fair
An allegedly fake Kandinsky and NFTs of Ukrainian cities' coats of arms are among the works being offered to support Putin's aggression
The latest Hiscox Online Art Trade Report finds that this booming asset class benefitted from a late-summer surge
Buyers and sellers will never know each others identity when transacting through the online site, but its founders say such privacy encourages trust and transparency
Online bidding pioneer Auction Technology Group (ATG) is intending to go public to secure investment. The former editor of the original ATG, Antiques Trade Gazette, charts its rise and rivals
Websites have replaced walk-ins as the second best way to sell art, but staying in top position is outreach to existing clients, according to Artsy Gallery Insights 2021 Report
I thought I’d kicked my online art and antiques buying habit but too much lockdown screen time has been my undoing
The latest Hiscox Online Art Trade Report found that online only art sales at Sotheby’s, Christie’s and Phillips more than tripled at $597m
Plus, JMW Turner at the Tate and John Stezaker on Bruegel
Daata fair is dedicated to video and digital works and aims to reach collectors who “simply don’t have the patience” to watch films at real-life fairs
Initiative highlights disproportionate number of African Americans incarcerated in the US
Dallas Art Fair and Design Miami/ have launched their own year-round sales platforms as art fairs grapple with uncertain futures
From a tribute to a guerrilla soldier and priest to an exploration of black female beauty, collectors snap up pictures on fair's VIP day
Inaugural show on Kovet.Art features eight graduates with prices under £10,000
Opening 20 May, the online fair requires no upfront fee and features around 200 galleries, all of which will share their profits
Why some galleries are trying to make the sterile virtual environment more homely, plus some early sales
Just as mega dealers have bought up prime real estate, so too are they dominating bandwidth in the virtual landscape
Featuring galleries like Petzel, Lehmann Maupin and Jack Shainman, the buy-now marketplace transacts sales through the auction house at publicly listed prices
Increasing membership rates for online marketplaces like Artsy prove daunting as galleries are forced to indefinitely close due to Covid-19
But firm says move allows it "to protect the company and its assets... we are not shuttering the business"
A blow-by-blow account of the Hong Kong digital viewing rooms that launched this morning
The debut of the digital initiative was moved to March to offer exhibitors a sales platform for the works they planned to show
Representing nearly 10% of its staff, the content sales team and other divisions of the online art marketplace have been slashed following the recent appointment of Mike Steib as chief executive
Identifying forgeries being sold on websites is not enough to tackle the problem
VIP Art Fair expands its business model and improves technology, but big-name dealers are unconvinced