National Lottery players raise more than £30m every week and fund over 700,000 projects across the UK—but when it comes to funding the arts, some say the scheme is in need of an overhaul
A scion of the famous banking dynasty, he led the National Gallery, the Heritage Lottery Fund and Waddesdon Manor
New builds—inspired by the so-called ‘Bilbao effect’—will now be discouraged as the chair of the organisation, Simon Thurley, outlines a change of priorities in favour of long-term benefits
After a £4.3m National Lottery Heritage Fund grant and years of restoration, the historic priory is set to open this summer
Taylor’s in Loughborough faces uphill struggle in fundraising drive to restore decaying buildings and create new museum
Conservation experts carefully cleaned the fragile and flammable nitrate film so each frame could be individually scanned
Bid for Exhbition Road extension and underground gallery rejected
The request was rejected as a 'low priority', with concerns about 'deliverability'
Money comes in, openings on course
Legendary dealer is thought to own 700 works worth £100m
The V&A, Museum of London, and National Museums of Scotland all get grants
Tate needs over £2 million to buy the £3.2m painting from an overseas buyer
The Raphael was bought by the National Gallery for £22 million in February 2004
£15 million Heritage Lottery Fund rejected
The Victoria and Albert Museum is now likely to drop the £70 million project
£15 million bid submitted for 'Spiral' extension
The Trust is applying for a further £20 million grant to set up an endowment
Serota discusses export laws and what is truly significant to public collections
This important addition to Scottish collections includes nearly all of his best multiples
An effort to increase the public's exposure to the National Collection
With £20 million each, plans progress for the British Museum Great Court and the V&A's spiral
£12 million required to complete refurbishment project.
Rothschild retired as the first chairman of the Heritage Lottery Fund at the end of March 1998. In a rare interview, he described its relationship with government
Smith hopes for Britain to rejoin UNESCO, aiming divert Lottery funds to health and education
But Victoria and Albert Museum’s £23m British Galleries project sent back to the drawing board
The works are from the Oppé collection and Janet Wolfson de Botton
£250,000 needed to restore the greatest English medieval altarpiece
Jacobean Oxfordshire house purchased for £2 million