As fires approached the Getty and Norton Simon Museum campuses in early January, those museums’ leaders called far-away lenders to reassure them that their art was safe
The controversial billionaire failed to spot a contemporary car in Caillebotte picture altered using artificial intelligence by Luma
“Boating Party” painting will tour France next year to mark Impressionism milestone
The Los Angeles museum’s first Caillebotte fills a major gap in its telling of the history of Impressionism
The 26 works, promised by a New York collecting couple, enhance the museum’s current holdings and add new artists to its collection
The collection is expected to make over $200m in New York in November
Our pick of the latest gifts and purchases to enter international museum collections—from Dorothea Tanning's Surrealist terrier to vintage prints by Vivian Maier
A government grant for works of importance helps to block departure of the painting from the country
A Canadian court recently overturned a ruling on the "national importance" of the French Impressionist's work, sold at Heffel Auction House in 2016
Market is alive and kicking at the top for prime Impressionist works, though Bouguereau's uncomfortably placed, 19th-century Bacchanalian scene failed to sell