Eye of the Collector
신중히 고민하며 고가의 검은색 풍선을 구입하고, 루이스 부르주아의 작업에서 감각적인 울림을 느낀다는 패션사업가 강희재의 컬렉팅 이야기
The almost certain Labour victory could have major impact on art buyers, who were restrained during the summer season
The boutique event brings together around 150 works from more than 20 exhibitors in the striking Neo-Gothic mansion Two Temple Place
Almost half the works on show at the boutique event are by female artists—and lower price points are attracting buyers
The no-stands format of the London event in Two Temple Place is a refreshing change, although some visitors found the lack of labels confusing
Our pick of the highlights from this month's fairs and auctions
Art Basel celebrates its 50th anniversary and new fairs in London and New York join the fray