At 840 minutes, “exergue - on documenta 14” exhaustively chronicles all that went right and wrong with Adam Szymczyk’s edition of Documenta in Kassel and Athens, though the actual art gets surprisingly little screen time
Shareholders agree to increase funding for the 2022 edition
Artist Olu Oguibe accepts alternative location, saying work’s humane message is urgently needed
The exhibition's manager, Annette Kulenkampff, welcomes prosecutor’s decision
Artist Olu Oguibe believes the city caved in to demands from the anti-immigration AfD, which opposes the monument
The work by Olu Oguibe calls for hospitality towards refugees
After years in limbo, EMST has received government approval to open fully in former brewery
Olu Oguibe has reportedly asked for €1m for his Monument to Strangers and Refugees
Open letter by 200 artists slams “urge to put ticket prices above art”
Documenta 14 sets itself in opposition to neoliberalism and the art market — but will it pave the way to greater excess?