Koi Nation’s casino application approved but Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria claim sovereignty of Sonoma County land
The firm is winding down its operations globally and will sell off an estimated $250m of art
Heirs of the German banker Franz Koenigs claim the works housed at the Courtauld Gallery should be restituted
The Austrian sculptor's art will go to his private foundation overturning previous decision granting ownership to West's widow and children
Landlords have given the community of 25 artists and small businesses one week to leave
A court has ruled that Simon Dickinson, who advised a British aristocrat to sell an 18th-century French masterpiece for a fraction of what it later sold for, did not deliberately undervalue the painting
An exhibition at Mazzoleni Art is embroiled in a longstanding and torrid dispute between members of Vasarely's family
Semjon H.N. Semjon has occupied the property in the city's Mitte district for 21 years and has launched a legal challenge against his landlord
Simone Leigh's departure from Hauser & Wirth in favour of Matthew Marks is not the first high-profile artist/gallery split—here are a few more notable break-ups
Ancient artefacts were on loan to Amsterdam museum when Crimea was annexed in 2014
Experts prepare to fight it out at the Metropolitan as the painting bought from artist-collector C.C. Wang goes on display
Court told that abstract work said to be of “no value” was resold for up to $10m just months later at Art Basel
Court concludes that dealers’ statements of value are legally meaningless
Many famous figures of the art world are caught up in the drama
The lawsuit, dating back to 2009, is between Russian dealer Gary Tatintsian and Lev Nussberg, an artist, art historian and collector
Maleki alleges deals were undisclosed, Shariat countersues for malicious falsehood and defamation
Budapest government strengthens claim for rest of long-disputed hoard after handing over €15m
The estate of the artist is one of the most contested in the art world
When his former wife gave part of $30m collection to the Pushkin Museum, his last wife called in lawyers to determine the fate of 75 icons from north Russia
Thai army cedes ground but future of Cambodian World Heritage site remains unresolved
Farbod Dowlatshahi no longer advisor to Khalili trust
Texan charm upsets collectors’ son
Unesco intergovernmental committee is now seeking “a mutually satisfactory resolution to the issue”
Complaint says work could lose $3m in value as a result
Marei von Saher claims they are Nazi loot, while Norton Simon believes it has legal title to the paintings
Based on its belief that the Sevso silver rightfully belongs to Hungary, the Hungarian government is seeking an out-of-court settlement with Lord Northampton
Gift to Brussels museum is stalled by dispute between region and state
Diplomacy will be required to deal with warring factions
Is it time for reform? Murky dealings came to light in 2005 as more collectors began to enter the scene—and brought their cases to court