Four pictures labelled as Modern masters were quietly removed midway through the event, as issues of genuineness continue to plague the market
The ambitious project will replace the National Museum in New Delhi—but crucial details remain under wraps
Our pick of the gallery shows in Delhi during the fair
Thanks to a spate of new openings, the district will soon be home to seven major art galleries
At Shrine Empire gallery in New Delhi, the Dalit artist reconsiders the past of his native Kerala
It is the latest Indian gallery to expand to a second city
Vikrant Bhise’s paintings at Anant Art gallery explore the suffering of marginalised communities and depict anti-caste leaders like Ambedkar
The firing of a curator for making critical statements against the museum's founder has prompted a long-overdue debate within the art world
With the top level of the region's art market back in rude health, the Delhi fair is doubling down on fostering a new generation of buyers
A number of the Indian capital's major cultural institutions, including the National Museum, will be rehoused
It will be India's second institution dedicated to the mass displacement of 1947
The ruling BJP has been accused by a rival party of "selling off Delhi's history" following new licensing around historic structures in the capital
South Asia's largest art fair has been forced to reschedule its 13th edition from February to April in light of rising Covid-19 case numbers
Many are questioning how Prime Minister Narendra Modi can justify his "vanity project" as hospitals are overwhelmed with patients
It will act as an extension to the Partition Museum in Punjab
The reconstruction of the Central Vista is a significant step in the prime minister's efforts to sever the nation from its colonial past
Politicians and cultural leaders have questioned the use of state funds for prime minister's "vanity project" during Covid-19 crisis
The work, which was painted live at the event, featured Urdu calligraphy and images of women in hijabs
Director Jagdip Jagpal says the fair is proud to remain regional while dealers double down on "Indian taste"
Lal Muhal in Delhi was demolished on 30 October
Anupam Poddar and his mother Lekha have assembled a collection of over 7,000 works of art