The 9.3-mile bike and pedestrian path will connect the Clark Art Institute, Williams College Museum of Art, Mass Moca and other cultural and historical sites in western Massachusetts
The gifts, from the foundation of the late trustee Aso O. Tavitian, will allow the Massachusetts museum to build a new wing
New show will bring to life the story of the mixed-race Caribbean artist who mentored Ingres and Rousseau
Images by Francisco de Goya, Roger Fenton and others at the Clark Art Institute offer historical counterpoints to horrific footage from the current conflict, reflecting how much—and how little—about war has changed
From crumbling castles to beach huts and giant chalk drawings on the English coast, there's no need for PCR tests if you live near these local gems
A show opening at the Clark Art Institute reveals how Georgia O’Keeffe thwarted her sister’s career in art
An exhibition sheds refreshing new light on the artist’s development
Anti-immigration party AfD is using provocative 19th-century work on its posters for the upcoming European elections