Ohan Breiding’s experimental film and photography, on view at Mass Moca, pay homage to the disappearing Rhône Glacier in Switzerland
The 9.3-mile bike and pedestrian path will connect the Clark Art Institute, Williams College Museum of Art, Mass Moca and other cultural and historical sites in western Massachusetts
Survey of employees of cultural institutions in the country’s Berkshires region finds many need multiple jobs to stay afloat
Images by Francisco de Goya, Roger Fenton and others at the Clark Art Institute offer historical counterpoints to horrific footage from the current conflict, reflecting how much—and how little—about war has changed
The Wellin Museum’s exhibition features four new “instruments” created for the institution’s open-plan space
Kristy Edmunds replaces Joseph C. Thompson after lengthy period of layoffs and new staff union over pandemic
Galleries are hosting artist receptions, shops and restaurants are open late and buskers will line the streets of the upstate city
The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery reopens to the public this weekend with a special exhibition of intimate works by the abstract artist
The village zoning board agreed with public and art world opinion that the vinyl text installation is “a political message in art”
A debate about art and censorship erupted in Kinderhook after village officials ordered a work to be taken down from Jack Shainman’s The School outpost