The German photographer Wolfgang Tillmans is turning into a passionate political activist, with Instagram his digital soapbox of choice. In a lengthy post (21 January), the artist opined about the tense political situation in Germany. “Hoping German social democratic party convention [SPD] today/tomorrow votes for a continuation of a coalition government with Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats [CDU],” he writes. “It’s been so painful the last few weeks to read commentary in German press talking down the legacy of German politics of the last ten years. People are mindlessly spiteful of a politics that tried to reconcile the challenges of globalisation and the European crisis with national interests.” What follows is a very detailed analysis focusing on the joint percentage of the vote gained by the SPD and CDU. “The far right AFD, the other alternative, with whom the CDU could form a government, is fortunately considered too toxic by everyone,” Tillmans adds. He can breathe a sigh of relief (for now) as the SPD agreed today to start formal coalition talks with Merkel’s conservatives. This is not the artist’s first foray into politics. A passionate advocate of the UK remaining in the European Union, the London- and Berlin-based photographer created a series of anti-Brexit posters extolling the benefits of the EU before the UK referendum in June 2016.
In the frameblog
Wolfgang Tillmans voices his concerns (via Instagram) about the state of Germany
22 January 2018

Wolfgang Tillmans Photo: Anders Clausen, 2013