Russian Revolution
A history of the time that artists (very briefly) ruled Russia
The dramatic twists and turns of the leading figures of the avant-garde during the Russian Revolution
Russian artist's new exhibition decries war in Ukraine—and suggests Western art world enabled Putin
Maxim Kantor's "The Rape of Europe" show in Luxembourg explores how contemporary art "participated in the preparation of cannon fodder"
Wish you were here: revolutionary postcards in Imperial Russia
Book collects pictorially subversive propaganda in a populist medium
The Hermitage's big Russian Revolution show that nearly didn't happen
Museum in tsars' Winter Palace, symbol of Bolshevik takeover, only decided how to mark 1917 centenary in February
Kazimir Malevicharchive
Disputes in Russia concerning the authenticity of many works attributed to Malevich circulating the Russian art market
As a major Malevich show opens in London, claims grow that the avant-garde market is still plagued by the fakes