The repatriations to Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia come as the museum continues to distance itself from Latchford and his late collaborator Emma C. Bunker
The museum had been pressured and petitioned for years to return objects tied to smuggler Douglas Latchford
Six of the eight allegedly looted objects were donated to the museum by Emma C. Bunker, an associate of smuggler Douglas Latchford
Benefactor Emma Bunker worked closely with antiquities smuggler Douglas Latchford
The late antiquities dealer was accused of profiting off stolen Cambodian antiquities
The museum has issued a statement further distancing itself from the late Emma Bunker, who allegedly falsified provenance for items looted from Cambodia
Researcher Emma Bunker aided the notorious looter in sourcing and selling Southeast Asian antiquities
Cambodian government says stone artefacts kept at San Francisco home of billionaire Lindemann family match those looted from sacred site
British Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum now under scrutiny of Cambodian government
Expert says there is a "long list of returns expected from museums", as Cambodia cites new evidence of war-time looting
The host of the Art Bust podcast argues that the nature and purpose of art crime–and by extension, of the art detectives who fight it—has changed in recent years
News of the death of dealer and expert in South East Asian art raises strong reactions and unanswered questions
Expert in Khmer and Indian antiquities was a dealer in Cambodian art in the 1970s and last year was accused of smuggling and creating false provenances for antiquities