Art that boosts wellbeing will always be welcomed at TAN towers (especially in these trying Covid times). A new interactive digital art installation recently installed at Chelsea and Westminster hospital in London leads the way by inducing "positive moods and emotions”, contributing to the wellbeing of staff and patients alike. The Immersive Healing Art System, devised by the London-based studio Genesis Arts, detects a person’s mood and emotions through facial scanning and sensors, creating in turn an “unique audio-visual art piece that calms, relaxes and improves mood”, says a statement. Zheyuan Zhang, director of Genesis Arts, gave us feedback, saying that “most people have had interactions with the installation for more than five minutes and their general impressions are ‘entertaining and intriguing’.” The piece is the latest commission from CW+, the official charity of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which just welcomed patients to a new bespoke, multi-functional art and cultural space (CW+ Studio) at the heart of the hospital, demonstrating that art is indeed a tonic in difficult times.
Interactive art work that reads emotions is just the medicine at London hospital
19 April 2021

Immersive Healing Art System at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital courtesy Genesis Arts