Everyone, it seems, is taken with NFTs (non-fungible token). Last week Salvator Mundi was turned into an NFT, clutching a fistful of dollars. Now supermodel Kate Moss has been transformed into an NFT triptych by the mysterious art collective known as Moments in Time. The images show Ms Moss driving, sleeping and walking (hence the titles: 'Drive with Kate,' 'Walk with Kate' and 'Sleep with Kate'.). “Each will be sold as an edition of one and will be accompanied by a unique audio certification, recorded by Kate Moss, acknowledging the buyer(s),” says a statement. The first installment, 'Drive with Kate,' is live on foundation.app (bidding opens 13 April). The best bit is that a portion of the proceeds will go towards Gurls Talk, a non-profit dedicated to promoting the mental health and wellbeing of young women. “Time is the thing that there is never enough of and that waits for no-one, I’m intrigued by who will want to own a moment of mine. I was also drawn to the idea that this ownership can be used to help others in need hopefully gain more of it. I look forward to seeing this experiment through,” Moss pithily points out in a statement.

Kate Moss Courtesy @MITNFT