It seems the world has gone potty about pooches lately. At The Lightbox Gallery in Woking, UK artist David Remfry will show a series of portraits reflecting the close bond between canines and their doting owners. We Think the World of You: People and Dogs Drawn Together (10 October-3 January 2021) features a cast of A-list animal lovers, such as film star Susan Sarandon with her pups Penny and Rigby, along with fellow actor Alan Cumming and his dog Honey plus Ethan Hawke with his startled pooch, Nina. All the works in the show were created at the Chelsea Hotel in New York where Remfry was resident from 1996 to 2016. And there’s more doggy delights at the Architecture for Dogs exhibition, scheduled to open at Japan House London next week (19 September-10 January 2021). The show will demonstrate apparently that “design that can be joyful for both dogs and their human companions” through works by big-name practitioners such as Ban Shigeru, Kuma Kengo and Atelier Bow-Wow. “The specially made architectural pieces are designed with a different dog breed in mind, including the Beagle, Bichon Frise, Shiba Inu, Boston Terrier and Poodle,” says a statement. Woof.

Susan Sarandon, Penny and Rigby (2019) by David Remfry courtesy the artist