It’s almost the end of Movember, the marvellous men’s health charity leading the way on mental health and suicide prevention (blokes worldwide are encouraged to grow a moustache throughout November which can “start conversations and inspire donations”, urges the organisation). In a clever move to mark the end of Movember, street artist Ben Eine has modified his famous mural, Scary, in East London. The graffiti pioneer has printed 60 Movember taches as a wallpaper behind the mural lettering, representing the number of men who die by suicide every hour worldwide.“Dominating a wall in Shoreditch’s Rivington Street, the reworked piece has been splashed with Movember’s branding in a nod to the work the charity does to help change the face of men’s health,” a press statement says. Justin Coghlan (JC), Movember’s co-founder, welcomes this moustachioed mural makeover, saying: “This mural is yet another example of how the humble moustache can be used as a catalyst for conversation, and we hope it will encourage men to have those vital chats about their mental health.” A limited edition print of Eine’s Movember masterpiece will be available on
Ben Eine gives his Scary mural a moustache makeover for Movember mental health month
27 November 2019

Ben Eine's "Movember" Scary mural courtesy of the artist