The Art Newspaper Weekly podcast is available every Friday on our website and all the usual places where you find podcasts including iTunes, Soundcloud and TuneIn. This podcast is brought to you in association with Bonhams, auctioneers since 1793. Find what defines you.
Sackler sponsorship: take it or leave it? Plus, museum visitor figures
We examine the growing unease among British museums about accepting money from Sackler family members linked to the sale of the opioid OxyContin, and look at 2018's most visited shows and museums with Met director Max Hollein. Produced in association with Bonhams, auctioneers since 1793.

Oxycontin, which has been linked to the opioid crisis, sparked protests in the US © Thomas Pavia

From breaking news and insider insights to exhibitions and events around the world, the team at The Art Newspaper picks apart the art world’s big stories with the help of special guests. An award-winning podcast hosted by Ben Luke.