Kung fu is coming to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, which is celebrating the late martial artist, choreographer and film director Lau Kar-leung with a retrospective called The Grandmaster (5-17 July). Visitors can watch ten films (1976-86) that Lau made for the Shaw Brothers film studio, including Challenge of the Masters (1976) and Dirty Ho (1979). “Lau designs the most intricate fight scenes and is uncompromising in his devotion to authentic kung fu and its value system,” says La Frances Hui, the associate curator of MoMA’s department of film, who has organised the show. “I hope the audience will look at kung fu films more deeply, beyond their immediate entertainment value.”
In the frameblog
Dirty Ho draws kung fu fans to MoMA
5 July 2018

Mad Monkey Kung Fu (1979) is among the films by Lau Kar-leung on show in New York and licensed by Celestial Pictures Limited; all rights reserved