The contemporary art documentary television series Art in the Twenty-First Century (Art21) marked its 21st anniversary on Tuesday with a gala at the Kimpton Hotel Eventi in New York, honouring the programme's late founder, Susan Sollins. The organisers also revealed fresh details about season nine of the series, which premieres this autumn and will consider the relationship of artists to the places and political conditions in which they work.
Centring on three artistic hubs—Berlin, San Francisco and Johannesburg—the 60-minute episodes, filmed over the course of a year, will follow, among others, Olafur Eliasson, the Turner Prize-winner Susan Philipsz, the film-makers Nathalie Djurberg and Hans Berg, the South African artist Zanele Muholi, the photographer David Goldblatt and the Creative Growth Art Center, a non-profit space in the San Francisco Bay Area for artists with developmental disabilities. J.H.M.