What better way to pull your creaky correspondent out of her hip-operation convalescence than a visit to Studio Voltaire’s “To Celebrate as Camp as Christmas” by the art world’s glammest sister-act, Valeria Napoleone and Stefania Pramma? Certainly the sight of the Voltaire director Joe Scotland—resplendent as Santa, greeting guests at the entrance while installed on a magnificent throne and fireside scenario—was a tonic in itself. It only got better, with the gallery’s former Methodist chapel bedecked with tinsel and every form of Yule décor imaginable.

Then there was the crowd of artists, curators, patrons and assorted celebs including artists Jamie Shovlin, Aaron Angell and Julie Verhoeven, Frieze director Victoria Siddall (who is also Studio Voltaire’s chair of trustees) and even U2’s bass guitarist Adam Clayton living up to the dress code of “Jolly Holly Cheer and Glitter Boots” with a vengeance. But although the fabulous hostess-duo were jollity incarnate—rocking a disco elf and angel theme—they chose to defy the festive footwear. Instead they opted for their trademark towering stilettoes, which did nothing to impede their nifty moves on the dance floor. Christmas has now officially begun…