The Oslo show on Van Gogh and Munch was opened by two royals, Queen Sonja of Norway and Princess (formerly Queen) Beatrix of the Netherlands, on 9 May. Not only are they good friends, but both are collectors of contemporary art and artists themselves. Queen Sonja, who studied art history at the University of Oslo, is a photographer, printmaker and painter. She currently has several works in an exhibition on “Prize Prints” in New York’s Scandinavia House (until 1 August). Princess Beatrix is a sculptor, working in clay (following her abdication two years ago, she has more time for artistic pursuits). The royal opening of Van Gogh + Munch at the Munch Museumwas a delightfully informal occasion, with very few men wearing ties. Queen Sonja, sitting in the front row of the audience, lightheartedly interrupted the speech of the mayor of Oslo, Fabian Stang, to confirm that she had only agreed to come to the Oslo inauguration if, in return, she is invited to Amsterdam in September when Van Gogh + Munch moves to the Van Gogh Museum.