Nicholas Cullinan


Nicholas Cullinan's birthday gift for trustee Tracey Emin revealed

The new British Museum director revealed online that he commissioned the jaunty top especially

Venice verdicts: art world figures weigh in on the Biennale

Leading museum directors, curators and artists give us their opinions on the massive event


‘I am pro Crocs’—British Museum director Nicholas Cullinan reveals all in quick-fire Instagram interview

Social media film puts new chief on the spot, highlighting his favourite object and guilty pleasure

Nicholas Cullinan is appointed director of the British Museum

Cullinan, currently the director of the National Portrait Gallery, faces an array of challenges in rebuilding the oldest national museum in the world’s reputation


UK New Year Honours—Venice Biennale artist Sonia Boyce made a dame; stained glass supremo Brian Clarke is knighted

NPG chief Nicholas Cullinan, Southbank’s Elaine Bedell and Nick Merriman of Horniman Museum all receive OBEs